AAI Austrian Regional Management Structure

The Austrian Regional Management Structure (AAI-RMS)  was founded by the AAI Quality Committee on May 13th, 2005 with the purpose to establish and oversight the Austrian Aerospace Industry Controlled Other Party (ICOP) scheme for the assessment and certification of supplier quality systems in accordance with the requirements contained in EN 9104.

Therefore the Austrian AAI-RMS has an obligation to the European Sector via EAQG-COT (European Aerospace Quality Group – Certification Oversight Team) and to the superior IAQG (International Aerospace Quality Group), to supervise and ensure compliance with the EN 9104 Series standards at the National Accreditation Board (NAB) and at the accredited CB (Certified Bodies) within the Austrian ICOP Scheme.


  • Oversight and ensure compliance with the EN 9104 Series standards of the National Accreditation Board (NAB) and the accredited Certification Bodies (CB)
  • Represent the Austrian ICOP Scheme at the European Aerospace Quality Group – Other Party Management Team (EAQG-COT) level
  • Perform Oversight Assessments at the CB (i.e.: “Quality Austria”) and the NAB (Akkreditierung Austria)
  • Reports to the EAQG-COT about the status (activities) of the Austrian (national) ICOP Scheme
  • Participate in the periodic Assessment of other national schemes within the European Sector
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